As a Patient recruitment specialised Tokyo based PRO-cum-CRO, CROee got an access to a massive database of over 20 million registered patients from more than 400 sites in Japan other than its own 810,000 registered patient under CROee Database. The database includes details of patient’s medical history, hospitalisation-history, symptoms of the disease, participated clinical trials and demographics. And this hospital-generated database is updated regularly with an average of 1 million new patients every month. Insights of our database provide effective approach as only the targeted study population is reached through our patient recruitment specialists.
Therefore, we can help you to bring medical innovations to market faster by accelerating clinical trials by providing excellent patient recruitment services and feasibility services from our extensive databases. As a company involved in over 500 trials every year, we take pride in providing and adapting our services by incorporating new technology to support the needs of our clients.With the patient recruitment getting more and more difficult as to find protocol specific subjects to develop the molecule more precisely, we can’t afford to lose potential local participants who may not come across a digital advertisement of a clinical trial. Also, some patients reserve their decision to volunteer for a clinical trial by just finding the information through digital advertisements. Therefore, our access to a huge database from Japanese hospitals is a great chance to reach potential local patients offline. We at CROee, tailor our campaigns to fit our client’s study, indication and audience. Looking forward to 2019!